Interconnected Fallacies

Have you ever stopped to consider what lies do you tell yourself, ones that you've known so long that they have become your truth?

What would become of your world, given their falsehoods are revealed? Could you adapt or would you crumble?

Welcome to the world of Interconnected Fallacies

Follow the life of Edemym, a simple trans woman, who's lived every day of her life identically as she is thrown into the unknown by a mysterious man standing right outside of her home. She begins to step out of her shell as she follows along with his mutually-benefiting propositions, befriending and even falling in love with those in the world she previously feared.


Click on the character image of your choice to see their bio!


Take the quiz to see which one of my OCs you are! Click here to take it


All of these characters were created by Elliot Adkins Saturniidead. Interconnected Fallacies is still in the planning phases, but most of the story is already planned, stay updated by following Saturniidead on Instagram. Fanart, cosplay, fanfiction and any form of support means the world, but please credit the characters back to me (I'm a small artist) !

( Made with Carrd )